Sunday, September 26, 2010

Celebrities; obsession to health education

Celebrities faces have become a huge aspect of our "American life." They constantly pop up on commercials, billboards, newspapers, online, and all sorts of  advertisements. Some TV shows "cribs" tour celebrity homes while magazine's are dedicated to following the lives of the rich and famous. Celebrities break laws or win awards and fill up the front pages of our national news. Yes celebrities have become an obsession to every group in American society.

What we don't usually recognize is the alternative impact these celebrities have on our culture. They have also become a portal of informing the public on what they believe are significant issues. They raise awareness by their action, such as Bono's anti-poverty "One" foundation and Angelina Jolie's charity missions.

So as our culture obsesses on the lives of celebrities, it is only natural that the American people also take and interest on the healthcare and medical conditions our stars who become sick. Following allow celebrities  to spread information about public health and get messages across about healthcare issues. They raise the awarness of diseases, pressure for more research and new treatments, and may give reassurance to those who have the their same illness.

While time spent following celebrities typically brings bad reputation, those that are apart of the obsession may be expanding their knowledge in medical issues and information.